6 Easy Ways to Reset Your Check Engine Light Without Disconnecting the Battery

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Imagine that you’re driving down the road while your favourite songs play in the background and the wind blows through your hair. During this enjoyable drive, an unwanted guest shows up without warning. The check engine light on your dashboard starts to blink, which makes you feel uneasy right away. This makes you nervous. We all know that sight, and for many of us, it sets off a bout of worry.

But don’t worry, In this blog post, we’re going to take a trip that will help you understand that annoying check engine light. We’ll show you clever ways to reset it that don’t require you to disconnect your car’s battery or buy expensive scanners. These ways work with a wide range of car makes and models, like secret codes to your car’s computer.

We have what you need, from easy tricks that anyone can learn to the magic of push-button starts. You don’t need to know a lot about cars to follow our instructions—we’ll use simple, clear language and avoid confusing words. Hold on tight, because we’re going to walk you through each way and give you solutions that will get you back in charge of your car.

Without further ado, let’s dive in and figure out what that warning light that won’t go away is. Get your mind back on straight and hit the road with confidence! 🚗💨

Contents at a Glance

How to Reset Check Engine Light Without Disconnecting Battery?

When the computer in your car finds a problem with the engine or emissions system, the check engine light comes on. The check engine light could be on for a number of reasons, such as a loose gas cap, a broken oxygen sensor, or a problem with the catalytic converter.

The check engine light means that something is wrong with your car. You should take it to a skilled mechanic right away. But there are some things you can do on your own to see if they clear the check engine light.

  • Method 1: Using the ignition key

The steps in this method are easy to understand. All you need is your car’s ignition key.

  1. Do not start the engine when you turn the ignition key to the “on” position.
  2. Wait for ten seconds.
  3. Press the “off” button on the ignition key.
  4. Do steps 1 to 3 three times.
  5. Check to see if the check engine light is off after you start the car.
  • Method 2: Using an OBD-II Scanner

An OBD-II reader is a tool that can help you figure out what’s wrong with your car’s engine. You can easily purchase an OBD-II scanner online or at most stores that sell car parts.

  1. Attach the OBD-II reader to the port under the steering wheel of your car.
  2. Do not start the engine when you turn the ignition key to the “on” position.
  3. The OBD-II reader will tell you how to clear the trouble codes.
  4. Check to see if the check engine light is off after you start the car.
  • Method 3: Reset the Check Engine Light with a Push Button Start

If your car has a push-button start, do these things to clear the check engine light:

  1. Turn off the engine.
  2. Put your foot on the brake pedal.
  3. Hold down the start button for 10 to 15 seconds, or until the check engine light goes off.
  4. Release the brake pedal.
  5. Start the engine for the vehicle.
  • Method 4: How to Reset Check Engine Light Without Scanner

  1. Don’t start the engine after turning the ignition to the “on” position.
  2. Just wait a second or two.
  3. The “off” setting should be selected in the ignition.
  4. Do steps 1 through 3 three times.
  5. Start the engine for the fourth time.
  • Method 5: Remove the Check Light Fuse

  1. To turn off the check engine light by taking out the fuse, you will need to:
  2. The owner’s manual for your car will tell you where the fuse box is.
  3. Find the check engine light fuse in the fuse box. The fuse’s name is usually “CEL” or “Check Engine Light.”
  4. To take out the fuse, use a fuse puller.
  5. Put the fuse back in after 10 to 15 seconds.
  6. Start the car. There shouldn’t be a check engine light on.
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Here are some ways to find the fuse for the check engine light:

  • Most of the time, the fuse box is under the hood of the car, close to the battery.
  • A black plastic lid usually goes over the fuse box.
  • There is usually a diagram of the fuses on the lid of the fuse box. This will help you find the check engine light fuse.

Warning: Removing the check engine light fuse may prevent you from passing an emissions test.

Please keep in mind that taking out the fuse for the check engine light won’t fix the real problem. If your car is having trouble, you should take it to a qualified mechanic to find out what’s wrong and fix it.

  • Method 6: Use the Gas Pedal to Turn Off the Check Engine Light

One way to reset the check engine light in older cars that don’t have improved onboard diagnostics (OBD-II) systems is to press the gas pedal. Don’t forget that this method might not work for all cars, especially new ones. Here’s how to use the gas pedal to try to reset the check engine light:

Please keep in mind that this way isn’t perfect and won’t fix the real problem that’s making the check engine light come on. It’s more like a short restart or dimming of the light.

  1. First, turn off your car. Make sure the car has been sitting for a minute or two and the key is not in the ignition.
  2. Find the gas button. It’s most often on the right side of the footwell on the driver’s side. Remember to take your foot off the gas.
  3. Hold down the gas button. Do not put the key in the ignition. Instead, press and hold the gas pedal to the floor. Put it all the way down and hold it there.
  4. Put the key in and turn it. Press down on the gas pedal and then put the key back into the ignition. Turn the key to the “On” position. Just turn the key until the dashboard lights come on. You don’t have to start the car.
  5. Hold on until the light goes out. Hold down the gas pedal and keep an eye on the check engine light on the dash. It should either start flashing or turn off in the end. It might take a second or a minute to do this.
  6. Let go of the gas pedal. Let go of the gas pedal when the check engine light stops flashing or turns off.
  7. Turn off the ignition. Return the key to the “Off” position and take it out of the ignition.
  8.  Give it a moment. Put your car in “Off” mode and wait a minute or two to make sure the reset works.
  9. Turn on your car. Once the time is up, start your car properly and see if the check engine light stays off.

Note: You should know that this is only a short-term fix. You should get your car checked out by an experienced mechanic to find out what’s wrong and fix it.

To keep things simple, this method erases the trouble codes saved in the car’s computer. This might temporarily turn off the check engine light. But it won’t fix the real problem that made the light come on in the first place. If the problem doesn’t go away, the light will probably come back on, telling you that you need to have a tech look at it and fix it.

Simple Trick to Turn Off Check Engine Light

Don’t worry if you see a check engine light on your dashboard. You can try a simple trick with just your gas pedal to turn it off.

There is a small chance that this trick will work if the check engine light is on because of something like a loose gas cap or a broken oxygen sensor. If the light is on because of a bigger issue, like an engine that isn’t firing right or a broken catalytic converter, this fix won’t help.

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Stick your foot on the gas to turn off the check engine light:

  1. Do not use your car at all.
  2. Step on the gas and hold it there.
  3. Press the “On” button on the key, but don’t start the engine.
  4. Hold down the gas pedal for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Turn the key to the “Off” position and let go of the gas pedal.
  6. Please wait a moment or two.
  7. As always, start your car.

Do the steps above again if the check engine light is still on. If the light stays on after a few tries, you should take your car to a mechanic to find out what’s wrong and fix it.

Keep in mind that this trick will only get rid of the trouble codes in the car’s computer. The problem that made the light come on in the first place will still be there. The light will likely come back on if the problem doesn’t go away. If you see a check engine light, it’s always best to have a qualified mechanic look at your car.

Why does this trick work?

When the key is in the “On” position, the computer in the car does a set of tests on its own. It will read the trouble codes and turn on the check engine light if it finds any problems.

The car’s computer will erase the trouble codes if you press and hold the gas pedal to the floor while turning the key to the “On” position. For this reason, pressing down on the gas pedal tells the computer to clear the codes.

Keep in mind, though, that this trick will only work for a short time. If you don’t fix the problem that made the light come on in the first place, it will probably come back on. If you see a check engine light, it’s always best to have a qualified mechanic look at your car.

How to reset the check engine light without disconnecting the battery on Mercedes, Ford, Chevy, Nissan, and Toyota vehicles?

  • Mercedes

  1. Turn off the engine and open the hood.
  2. Locate the fuse box and identify the fuse for the check engine light. The fuse will typically be labelled “CEL” or “Check Engine Light.”
  3. Remove the fuse using a fuse tool.
  4. Wait 10-15 seconds, and then reinstall the fuse.
  5. Close the hood and start the car. The check engine light should be off.
  • Ford

  1. Turn off the ignition.
  2. Step on the gas and hold it there.
  3. Press the “On” button on the key, but don’t start the engine.
  4. Hold down the gas pedal for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Turn the key to the “Off” position and let go of the gas pedal.
  6. Please wait a moment or two.
  7. As always, start your car. The check engine light should be off.
  • Chevy Vehicles

  1. Don’t start the engine.
  2. Get under the car and look for the diagnostic port. Most of the time, the diagnostic port is near the battery under the hood.
  3. This is where you connect a scan tool.
  4. Press the “On” button on the key, but don’t start the engine.
  5. Delete the error codes from the car’s computer with the scan tool.
  6. Take the scan tool off and close the hood.
  7. As always, start your car. There shouldn’t be a check engine light on.
  • Having Nissan

  1. Don’t start the engine.
  2. Step on the gas and hold it there.
  3. Press the “On” button on the key, but don’t start the engine.
  4. Hold down the gas pedal for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Turn the key to the “Off” position and let go of the gas pedal.
  6. Please wait a moment or two.
  7. As always, start your car. There shouldn’t be a check engine light on.
  • A Toyota

  1. Don’t start the engine.
  2. Get under the car and look for the diagnostic port. Most of the time, the diagnostic port is near the battery under the hood.
  3. This is where you connect a scan tool.
  4. Press the “On” button on the key, but don’t start the engine.
  5. Delete the error codes from the car’s computer with the scan tool.
  6. Take the scan tool off and close the hood.
  7. As always, start your car. There shouldn’t be a check engine light on.

Important note: Resetting the check engine light will only clear the trouble codes from the car’s computer. It will not fix the root problem that caused the light to come on in the first place. The light will likely come back on if the trouble doesn’t go away. If you see a check engine light, it’s always best to have a trained mechanic look at your car.

Why Would You Want to Reset the Check Engine Light Without Disconnecting the Battery?

You might want to turn off the check engine light without taking the battery out for a few reasons. One reason is that taking the battery out can reset the computer in the car, which can mess up its settings. For instance, your car might relearn how you drive and start shifting gears differently, or it might use more gas.

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You might also want to reset the check engine light without taking the battery out because it’s easier and faster to do so. You don’t have to open the hood or take any cables off. You can do it from the driver’s seat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I reset the check engine light without disconnecting the battery?

A: The steps to reset the check engine light without disconnecting the battery will vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle. However, some common methods include:

  • Turning the ignition to the “On” position and pressing and holding the gas pedal to the floor for 10-15 seconds
  • Using a scan tool to clear the trouble codes from the car’s computer
  • Removing the fuse for the check engine light for 10-15 seconds and then replacing it

Q: What should I do if the check engine light comes back on after I reset it?

A: If the check engine light comes back on after you reset it, it is important to have your car diagnosed by a qualified mechanic. This will help to identify and fix the underlying problem.

Q: Is it safe to drive with the check engine light on?

A: It is generally safe to drive with the check engine light on, but it is important to have your car diagnosed by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible. Driving with the check engine light on for too long can damage your car’s engine and emissions system.

Q: Will resetting the check engine light fix the problem?

A: No, resetting the check engine light will only clear the trouble codes from the car’s computer. It will not fix the underlying problem that caused the light to come on in the first place. If the problem persists, the light will likely come back on.

Q: Why does my check engine light come on in the first place?

A: The check engine light can come on for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Loose gas cap
  • Faulty oxygen sensor
  • Misfiring engine
  • Faulty catalytic converter
  • Other emissions system problems

Q: Are these methods safe to use on all vehicles?

A: Yes, these methods are generally safe to use on all vehicles. However, it is always best to consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual for specific instructions.

Q: How do I know if the check engine light reset was successful?

A: The best way to know if the check engine light reset was successful is to start your vehicle and see if the light is still on. If the light is off, then the reset was successful.

Q: Are there any risks associated with resetting the check engine light using these methods?

A: There are no known risks associated with resetting the check engine light using these methods. However, it is important to note that resetting the light will not fix the underlying problem. If the problem persists, the light will likely come back on.

Q: Can resetting the check engine light affect my vehicle’s warranty?

A: No, resetting the check engine light will not affect your vehicle’s warranty.

Q: When should I consult a professional mechanic instead of using these methods?

A: If you are unable to reset the check engine light yourself, or if the light comes back on after you reset it, it is important to consult a professional mechanic. This will help to identify and fix the underlying problem.

Q: Are there any tools or equipment required for these methods?

A: No, there are no tools or equipment required for these methods.

Q: Can resetting the check engine light improve fuel efficiency?

A: No, resetting the check engine light will not improve fuel efficiency.

Q: Can I disconnect my car battery to reset check engine light?

A: Yes, you can disconnect your car battery to reset the check engine light. However, it is important to note that this will also erase all of the other settings in your car’s computer, such as the radio presets and the clock.

Q: How do I reset my check engine light manually?

A: To reset the check engine light manually, you can use one of the methods listed above. For example, you can turn the ignition to the “On” position and press and hold the gas pedal to the floor for 10-15 seconds.

Q: Does unplugging the battery reset a check engine light?

A: Yes, unplugging the battery will reset the check engine light. This is because it clears the trouble codes from the car’s computer. However, it is important to note that resetting the check engine light will not fix the underlying problem that caused the light to come on in the first place. If the problem persists, the light will likely come back on.

Q: Will disconnecting a car battery reset a check engine light?

A: Yes, disconnecting a car battery will reset the check engine light. This is for the same reason as unplugging the battery: it clears the trouble codes from the car’s computer.

Q: Does disconnecting a car battery clear the error codes and reset the check engine light?

A: Yes, disconnecting a car battery will clear the error codes and reset the check engine light.

Q: How long will a check engine light stay off after disconnecting the battery?

A: The amount of time that the check engine light will stay off after disconnecting the battery depends on the underlying problem that caused the light to come on in the first place. If the problem is fixed, the light will stay off indefinitely. However, if the problem is not fixed, the light will likely come back on after a few drive cycles.

Q: What happens if you disconnect your battery while the check engine light is on?

A: Disconnecting your battery while the check engine light is on will clear the trouble codes from the car’s computer. However, it will not fix the underlying problem that caused the light to come on in the first place. If the problem persists, the light will likely come back on after a few drive cycles.

Q: Will disconnecting the battery reset the check engine light permanently?

A: No, disconnecting the battery will not reset the check engine light permanently. If the underlying problem that caused the light to come on in the first place is not fixed, the light will likely come back on after a few drive cycles.


There are some smart ways in this blog post to turn off the check engine light without taking the car’s battery out. What kind of car do you drive? We’ll take care of you, Mercedes, Ford, Chevy, Nissan, Toyota, or any other brand. These ways not only work, but they can also keep you from having to go to the mechanic, which can save you time and money. As always, you should figure out what’s wrong with your car if the check engine light comes on. For now, though, these methods can help you turn it off. Have a great drive and remember these helpful tips.

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